Literature at school, 2018, № 6




Respected genre of literary biography

The role of the title in the interpretation of the poetic text

“We cannot know further ways of our word”.
Literary Gatherings in Kirov and the Kirov region

Traditions of memory and kindness.
Russian language and literature teachers meetings during celebration of Christ’s Baptism in the Vyatka Humanitarian Gymnasium

Afterword to the film “Three Sisters” (2017): a dialogue with the audience


“Literature in the School” in the Vyatka Humanitarian Gymnasium

Methodical approach to Russian language and literature of the teachers of the Vyatka Humanitarian Gymnasium

Verses? Prose?.. Poems in prose…
Comparative analysis of poems in prose “Nature” by I.S.Turgenev and “The Jester and Venus” by S. Baudelaire. Xth Grade

Travel of amateurs. Multi-projective lesson (literature and mathematics).
IXth Grade

Duel of honor, or good luck, your honor!
Master-class based on the books of Russian and foreign classical literature

The project “Modern prose for children and teenagers”

“Waffle Hearts”.
Workshop based on the novel by Norwegian writer Maria Parr. VI—VIIth Grades

A modern book about teenagers and for teenagers.
Methodical materials for the lesson of extracurricular reading based on the book By A.Zhvalevsky and E.Pasternak “Hunting Basilisk”. VIth Grade

The use of various strategies for reading and understanding the artistic text through a fairy tale. T.A.Kopaneva “The secret of the kindness, or How not to become a Baba Yaga”.
Vth Grade


“Live pictures” as a practice of humanitarian education

“My verses’s day will come”. Marina Tsvetaeva.
Poetic Gala

Abstracts and keywords



Respected genre of literary biography
Abstract. The article touches upon the fundamental theoretical issues related to the typological features of the literary genre of the writer’s biography. Article also considers genre features used by contemporary writers writing about writers.
Keywords: biography, literary genre, fictionalized biography, fact, fiction, genesis.

The role of the title in the interpretation of the poetic text
Abstract. The article examines the ways of analyzing Akhmatova’s “Tales of the Black Ring” through the poetry title, which is the key to its interpretation. The dialogue with the mythological tradition, the genre canon, the symbols of the Silver Age is traced.
Keywords: title, fairy tale, genre tradition, intertextuality, mythopoetic symbolism

“We cannot know further ways of our word”.
Literary Gatherings in Kirov and the Kirov region
Abstract. The author tells about the tradition of conducting literary gathering in the city of Kirov and the Kirov region which attract students and adults and create an interest for reading classics and contemporary literature.
Keywords: literary readings, subjects, participation of schools and libraries, writers, essay contests, master classes.

Traditions of memory and kindness.
Russian language and literature teachers meetings during celebration of Christ’s Baptism in the Vyatka Humanitarian Gymnasium
Abstract. The article reveals the theme of the meetings of the Russian language teachers in the Vyatka Humanitarian Gymnasium and the methodology of their conduct as a tradition of literary education during celebration of Christ’s Baptism. The “educational meeting” with the Y.Grymov’s film “Three Sisters” based on the play by A.P.Chekhov is described in details.
Keywords: tradition, educational meeting, subject of meetings, teacher’s mission, method of discussing the film.

Afterword to the film “Three Sisters” (2017): a dialogue with the audience
Abstract. The article analyzes impressions after watching Y.Grymov’s film “Three Sisters” based on the play by A.P.Chekhov. An attempt was made to understand the interpretation of the classical work in the movie within the framework of its modern understanding of the play.
Keywords: Y.Grymov, interpretation, understanding, symbols, meaning, game, image.


“Literature in the School” in the Vyatka Humanitarian Gymnasium

Methodical approach to Russian language and literature of the teachers of the Vyatka Humanitarian Gymnasium
Abstract. The methodologist of the Vyatka Humanitarian Gymnasium talks about the traditions of teaching literature in this school and describes how it had been developed over the years.
Keywords: creative search, meeting of generations, comprehension of classics, choosing the modern literature, dialogue in class, open final, students creativity.

Verses? Prose?.. Poems in prose…
Comparative analysis of poems in prose “Nature” by I.S.Turgenev and “The Jester and Venus” by S. Baudelaire. Xth Grade
Abstract. The article is devoted to comparison as a cogitative activity and the way of teaching literature on the example of reading and studying poems in prose on the basis of students’ independent search activity.
Keywords: reading, comparative analysis of the literary text, grounds for comparison, poems in prose, independent activity.

Travel of amateurs. Multi-projective lesson (literature and mathematics).
IXth Grade
Abstract. This material can be useful for an introductory lesson in the study of the N.V.Gogol’s poem “Dead Souls”.
Keywords: meta-subjectivity, road motive, creative conception, diameter, circumference, path length, percentage, speed.

Duel of honor, or good luck, your honor!
Master-class based on the books of Russian and foreign classical literature
Abstract. This material can be useful in studying the novel “Duel” by A.I.Kuprin or will serve as an idea for lessons devoted to the study of works in which there are motives of honor and dishonor. The idea that we embodied in an unusual lesson (master-class) is the desire to organize a lively educational dialogue between different generations of students and adults.
Keywords: honor, dignity, duel, fight, dueling code, literary conflict, field, aristia, fist fight, challenge, satisfaction.

The project “Modern prose for children and teenagers”

“Waffle Hearts”.
Workshop based on the novel by Norwegian writer Maria Parr. VI—VIIth Grades
Abstract. The workshop establishes relationship between people’s ideas about the role of the heart in human life, students’ anatomical knowledge about the heart muscle, their personal emotional experience and the lessons they learned from the book.
Keywords: heart, muscle, feelings, strength, vulnerability, fragility.

A modern book about teenagers and for teenagers.
Methodical materials for the lesson of extracurricular reading based on the book By A.Zhvalevsky and E.Pasternak “Hunting Basilisk”. VIth Grade
Abstract. The authors talk about the relationship between parents and children, the loneliness of teenagers in a difficult period of growing up and lack of support from adults, the need to solve emerging problems and answer questions together (based on the work of contemporary writers).
Keywords: A.Zhvalevsky and E.Pasternak, teenagers, adults, relationships, problems, support, family, school.

The use of various strategies for reading and understanding the artistic text through a fairy tale. T.A.Kopaneva “The secret of the kindness, or How not to become a Baba Yaga”.
Vth Grade
Abstract. The article presents the experience of using various strategies for reading and understanding of the artistic text at each stage of activity in the 5th grade. In the process of analyzing the fairy-tale of a modern writer, mastering the studied strategies takes place. Authors texts are created as an indicator of the high level of development of students’ reading competence in order to consolidate the acquired skills.
Keywords: Т.А.Kopaneva, practice, strategy, artistic text.


“Live pictures” as a practice of humanitarian education
Abstract. The article presents a new practice of the humanities education of the Gymnasium’s teachers called “live pictures”: the history of creating and development of an unusual genre, the features of the setting in different historical periods. The authors also disclose the methodology for the application of “live pictures” in after-hour activities, the stages of its creation, and recommendations for staging.
Keywords: “live pictures”, practice of humanitarian education, Alexei Stolbov, Vyatka, writers about “live pictures”, stages of creating of the “live pictures”, relevance of “live pictures” today.

“My verses’s day will come”. Marina Tsvetaeva.
Poetic Gala
Abstract. High school students get acquainted with the life and work of Marina Tsvetaeva, whose personality and literary heritage is the property of Russia.
Keywords: fate, childhood, parents, Pushkin, poetry, love, creativity, tragically ragged life.


Victor F. Chertov