Guidelines for submitting manuscripts
Articles for publication in the journal should be sent to the following e-mail address: The editorial board acknowledges receipt of the manuscripts.
Texts of not less than 12 000 and not more than 40 000 signs (including spaces), that is within 1 author’s sheet, are accepted for consideration.
All articles are checked in the system “Antiplagiat” and mandatory review in the editorial board of the journal. Interaction between authors and reviewers is carried out only through the editorial staff.
The editorial board reserves the right to reduce the amount of material and its literary editing.
Requirements for materials submitted for publication
These Author guidelines were developed on the basis of the CSE’s White Paper on Promotion Integrity in Scientific Journal Publications, 2012 Update.
The Journal aims to cover scientific and practical achievements in the fields of Literature studies and methods of teaching Literature. A particular attention is paid to advanced training of Literature teachers.
The Journal publishes materials presenting significant theoretical and practical achievements in the fields of Literature studies and the methods of teaching Literature.
The Journal publishes original and review articles, archival materials and critical reviews of the latest literary and methodological publications, as well as chronicles reflecting the work of forums, conferences and congresses.
The Journal welcomes manuscripts by researchers, university professors, teachers and post-graduate students.
Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process in the Literature at school journal, authors are requested to make sure that their submission complies with all of the following requirements:
– this manuscript has not been previously published;
– the manuscript is not under consideration in another journal;
– all co-authors have provided their consent to the publication of the present version of the manuscript.
Before submitting a manuscript, make sure that the files contain all the necessary information in Russian and English, the sources of information presented in the figures and tables have been indicated, and all the citations have been correctly formatted.
To follow a reviewing procedure, the authors submitting their manuscript for consideration to the Literature at School journal are requested to prepare two files:
1) title page;
2) text of the manuscript.
The text should be typed in Word: Times New Roman, size – 12, line spacing – 1, margins – 2 cm on all sides. For emphasizing use italics or bold.
The title page of the manuscript contains (in Russian and English):
1. Author name(s)
In Russian, the surname should be indicated after the name and patronymic (Pavel Sergeevich Ivanov, Nina Petrovna Ivanova).
In English, the format “First name, Patronymic Initial, Surname” should be followed (Ivan I. Ivanov).
2. Information about the author(s)
This section lists title, position and other honorifics. In addition, an e-mail address is indicated.
3. Author affiliation(s)
Affiliations include the following data: full official name of the organisation, full postal address (including postcode, city and country). Authors should indicate all the workplaces relevant to the study. The name of the organisation and its address must be translated into English.
The file with the text of the manuscript prepared for the Literature at school journal, contains:
1. Title
The title in Russian should correspond to the content of the article, be informative and sufficiently short (abbreviations are not allowed).
The English-language title should be literate from the point of view of the English language at the same time as fully corresponding to the Russian-language title.
2. Abstract
The recommended volume of the structured abstract is 200-250 words.
The text of the abstract should be structured and consist of four mandatory sections: a) aim of the study; b) methods; c) main results; d) brief conclusions of the study based on the results.
3. Keywords
Keywords include 7-10 words relevant to the topic of the article. It is desirable that the keywords complement the abstract and title of the article and contribute to the indexing of the article in the information retrieval systems.
4. Acknowledgments
This section indicates all sources of research funding, as well as acknowledging assistance or encouragement from colleagues, special work by technical staff participated in the work on the article, not being its authors. Participation in the work on the article implies: recommendations for improving the research, providing space for research, departmental control, obtaining financial support, etc.
5. Conflict of interest
The author must notify the editor of an existing or potential conflict of interest. When conflicts of interest are absent, this fact must also be explicitly stated.
6. Article body
The text of the article should be designed in a scientific style, have a circumspect structure, preferably in the IMRAD format (Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion).
7. Figures and tables
Figures and tables provided should be of good quality and at a resolution suitable for printing. All figures must be accompanied by captions. All tables must have appropriate titles.
Figures and tables should be numbered in Arabic numerals according to the order of appearing in the text. When the text features only one figure (tables), it is not numbered.
Figures (tables) should be referenced in the text as follows: “Fig. 3 indicates that …” or “It is indicated that … (see. Tabl. 3)”.
The caption should be centered and include the sequential number of the figure and its title. A full stop does not appear after the caption. The title of the table should be centered and include the sequential number of the table and its title. No full stop appears after a table caption.
8. Screenshots and photos
Photos, screenshots and similar illustrations should be uploaded separately in a special section of the submittion form as *.jpeg, *.bmp and *.gif files (*.doc and *.docx format should be used if notes are attached to the additional images). The resolution of the image should be 300 dpi or greater. Image files must be assigned a name corresponding to the figure number in the text. In the description of the file, you should provide a separate caption, which should match the title of the photo placed in the text.
9. Footnotes
Footnotes are numbered with Arabic numerals and positioned at the bottom of the page to which they apply. Footnotes can include: links to anonymous sources on the Internet, links to textbooks, tutorials, GOSTs, statistical reports, articles in social and political newspapers and magazines, author’s abstracts, dissertations (if there is no way to quote articles published on the results of a dissertation study), as well as author’s comments.
10. References
The citation format used in the Journal implies a reference to the citation source in square brackets and the subsequent mention of sources in the list of references in alphabetical order. References to the source in the text are enclosed in square brackets, the author’s surname is separated from the publication year by a space and the number of the cited page is indicated by a colon, for example: [Petrov 2017: 77]. Several references given in the same square brackets should be separated by a semicolon, e.g. [Sergeeva 2010: 87; Green 2011: 29]. Links to Internet sources must include the indication “Electronic source”: [Sergeeva 2015, Electronic source].
The reference list should contain at least 8–10 items.
The references should only include peer-reviewed sources (i.e. articles from scientific journals and monographs) mentioned in the text of the article. Abstracts of dissertations, dissertations, textbooks, study guides, methodological aids, abstracts, collections of scientific papers, GOSTs, information from websites, statistical reports, articles in socio-political newspapers and on websites and blogs should not be included in the references. In cases where such information is necessary, the sources should be placed in footnotes.
When describing the source, DOI (if available) should be indicated (for foreign sources, this can be done in 95% of cases).
References to articles submitted for publication but not yet published should be marked with the words “In press”; authors must obtain written permission to refer to such documents and confirm that they have been submitted for publication. Information from unpublished sources should be marked with the words “unpublished data / documents”; the authors must also obtain written confirmation for the use of such materials.
Each reference in the list should contain the following items: author/authors, title, place of publication, year of publication. The editor, compiler, translator, etc. are also indicated. Between the areas of description the “dot and dash” dividing sign should be placed. References are compiled in alphabetical order. The titles of the journals in which the cited sources are published should be provided without abbreviations. When making reference to journal articles, the publication year, volume and issue number as well as relevant page numbers must be indicated.
Links to Internet resources are provided in the general list of literature by the author or title of the publication with the obligatory indication of the website address of the publication location and the date of its publication or the date of the last check for the availability of the resource.
All authors must be represented in the description of each source.
The references should be verified and the output data checked on the official website of the journals and / or publishers.
The references should be translated into English. After the description of the Russian-language source, at the end of the link, an indication of the language of work should be provided: (In Rus.).
When transliterating author names and surnames, as well as journal titles, the BSI standard should be followed.
The author is responsible for the accuracy of the information, accuracy of citation and references to sources.
Journal-author communication
The Journal’s Editorial team leads all the correspondence about the publication process with the corresponding author; however, emails can be forwarded to all authors, whose e-mail addresses have been indicated.
All articles submitted to the Literature at school journal are initially checked for compliance with the Journal’s formal requirements. At this stage, the manuscript can be returned to the author(s) for revision with a request to eliminate errors or add missing data. The manuscript may be rejected due to its inconsistency with the Journal’s aims and scope, the lack of originality or a low scientific value.
Following the preliminary check, the responsible editor submits the manuscript to the reviewers, specifying the timing of the review. A notification is sent to the author.
In borderline cases, the Editor may involve several more specialists in the review process, as well as the Editor-in-chief.
Upon receiving a positive conclusion from the reviewers, the manuscript is forwarded to the Editor for publication.
When the reviewer(s)’ decision includes recommendations to revise the manuscript before publication, the reviewer(s)’ comments are forwarded to the author(s). The author(s) should address all the comments within the period of 2 months. In cases where the author(s) failed to undertake the required revisions within this period, the article is removed from the publication queue.
Should a decision be taken to reject publication of an article, the appropriate decision will be sent to the corresponding author.
The layout (galley proofs) of the article accepted for publication is forwarded to the corresponding author for a final check. The author(s) are expected to provide their consent within the period of 3 days. Should no response be received from the author(s), the galley proofs are considered to have been approved.
Procedure for reviewing the decisions of the Editor/Reviewer
In cases where authors express their disagreement with the opinion of the reviewer and/or individual comments, they have the right to challenge the decision. To this end, the authors must clearly state their position on the issue under consideration.
The Editors encourage the re-submission of those manuscripts that could have potentially been accepted but were rejected on the grounds of required extensive changes or gathering additional data. The Editors provide assistance to such authors in explaining what should be done for this manuscript to be accepted for publication.
Editorial actions in case of detecting plagiarism, fabrication or falsification of data
In cases where scientific misconduct, i.e. plagiarism, fabrication or falsification of data on the part of the author, has been suspected or detected, the Editors are guided by COPE principles.
Correction of errors and retraction
Errors discovered in articles after their publication, which do not, as a whole, distort the obtained results and attained conclusions, can be corrected by substituting the article pdf file with that containing outlined errors and by providing a respective notification on the article page on the Journal’s website.
When errors distorting the research results have been identified, or if plagiarism or misconduct has been detected including data falsification and/or fabrication, the article can be withdrawn from press (retracted). The process of retraction can be initiated by the editorial staff, authors, organisations or private individuals.
A retraction note is published alongside the original publication. Information about the retracted article, along with reasons for withdrawing it from press, is presented on the Journal’s website and is forwarded to the databases, in which the Journal is indexed.
The authors grant the journal the right to publish the work on the terms of the copyright agreement, which the editorial board sends to the author during the preparation of the issue with his article for publication.
The authors provide the journal with the right to publish the work on the terms of a copyright agreement, which the editors send to the author while preparing the issue with his article for publication.
Privacy statement
Specified when registering the names and addresses will be used solely for technical purposes of a contact with the author or reviewers (editors) when preparing the article for publication. Private data will not be shared with other individuals and organizations.
The cost of editorial and publishing services for the pre-press publications (literary editing, proofreading, layout, translations check) is 5000 rubles. Payment is made only after receiving a positive review of the editorial board of the journal and their decision to publish the article in a particular edition. Publishing of articles of post-graduate students (full-time education) is free of charge.