A.S. Mironov
Personal honor of the hero in Russian epics
E.A. Denisova
Authobiographical sources for M.Yu. Lermontov’s novel “Vadim”
M.P. Shustov, A.S. Stepanov
Fairy-tale as a basis of Bunin’s works
L.S. Shkurat
Patriotic idea and its artistic embodiment in the novel “They fought for their motherland” by M.A. Sholokhov
M.I. Shutan
Creating a figurative-associative model in a generalizing lesson on a literary work
A.M. Antipova, E.S. Kalinina
Free reading of a school student as a socio-pedagogical phenomenon
T.Yu. Klimova
The logic of comparative analysis (based on poems by N.M. Rubtsov and Yu.P. Kuznetsov)
On the 90th anniversary of the birth of Sh.A. Amonashvili
E.N. Chernozemova, I.A. Kirshin
Education through the word: Joy of discovery as an actuating means
On the 90th anniversary of the birth of L.V. Todorov
E.I. Belousova
From “admiration of the poetic trope” to “pedagogy of fine literature”
O.G. Dudnikova
Russian literature in the system of humanitarian education of the heir to the throne N.A. Romanov